Inhale, Exhale, & Say “Namaste”: The Benefits of Yoga


I’ll admit that yoga wasn’t always my favorite workout.

In fact, I never really even liked yoga all that much. I thought it was boring, it didn’t relax me, and some of it hurt. However, with the pandemic happening, I’ve had to switch to at-home workouts. And now that I’m out of school and stressed with work, yoga and meditation has actually helped me calm down. 

The main reason I think I’ve grown an appreciation for yoga is that it’s now something that I am choosing to do. Any other times I’ve done yoga was as a warmup in my dance classes. It was something that I was required to do, and that other people thought would benefit me.

I think the secret to yoga, or any workout, is that it has to be something that you enjoy and actually want to do. That’s the only way you’ll look forward to doing it more often. 

Yoga is an extremely popular workout these days, with many celebrities singing its praises and claiming it as a part of their fitness routines. 


Plenty of reasons.

It’s easy to do. You can do it at home, which in the pandemic is a lifesaver. There are classes both at gyms, and on Zoom, and there’s also videos online. It doesn’t take too long to do. You only need a mat, and if you don’t have one, you can just use a long towel or blanket, or just use your carpet or floor. It doesn’t hurt, most of the time. But perhaps most importantly, it’s good for both your body and your mind.

Yoga has a lot of benefits for your body. It’s a form of exercise and stretching, so it can help you stay in shape. Connecticut based trainer, Lindsay Hiebert, says yoga is a great form of exercise. “Yoga benefits the body by creating a better understanding of how the body moves,” she says. “Yoga helps build flexibility, balance, patience, and strength of mind and muscle.” A study from Harvard Health revealed that yoga can help people with back pain and arthritis. 

Yoga is also good for your mind. It can center and relax you. Yoga encourages participants to focus on their breath. While breathing is something we do naturally, we can sometimes forget to really focus on it. Deep breathing is a common way of calming ourselves and letting go of stress. Heibert also says that yoga can help you be more aware of your body movements. “Yoga brings mindfulness to your movement by adding breath work and flexibility. The more mindful and intentional you are in your movement the more achievable your goals will be.”

It’s true that other workouts can help your mind just as much as your body. Working out at the gym or going for a run can be a way to reduce stress or clear your head. However, yoga is a workout that actively promotes clearing your mind and centering yourself. Yoga is linked to the practice of mediation, which can help people achieve a more calm state and become more aware and attentive in their daily life. 

Yoga is a great way to workout. It’s easy, it doesn’t take all that much time, it can be done anywhere, and it can benefit both your body and your mind. So next time you need a workout, or if you need a way to de-stress, consider a yoga class. 

This article is a part of the “The Wellness Chronicles: My Journey to a Healthier Life“. To see more of my journey, click here!

Anna Bechtel

Anna is from and currently resides in Hamden, CT. She went to Drew University, where she majored in English and minored in media & communications. Anna is a freelance writer, and has written for Eat This Not That, Celebwell, The Odyssey Online,, The Access Report, and The Buttonwood Tree. Anna also has her own blog, All Podcasts All The Time. In her spare time, she loves dancing, photography, shopping, listening to podcasts & music, and watching reality TV.

I am not my Hair! (Inspired by India Arie)

What style is your hair right now? Right now, how is your hair? Is it up, down, in braids, in locs? Or did you cut it or shave it off?

Whatever your answer is isn’t really important because hair isn’t important. Yes, you might feel good
when your hair is done but you might feel just as good when you shave your hair off and perhaps feel like a burden has suddenly lifted.

I’ve had many hair journeys in my life. I’ve cut it a million times and I’ve had so many styles. The more styles I had, the more time I spent on my hair. I definitely lived in the moment when it came to my hair. A lot of the time I didn’t feel beautiful or even presentable when my hair wasn’t done.

Examples of the many styles I have had over the years.

Because in the Black Community our hair is looked at like crowns. Our hair is magical yes, from the texture to the amount of diversity we have when it comes to styles. However it isn’t everything and when your hair “isn’t done,” you shouldn’t feel any less than when your hair is done or styled in a “presentable” way.

Right now my is hair loc’d and I love it. I do style over it, but never in my life have I appreciated my hair so much in its natural form. Not only did I love my hair as it is, I loved it even when it was shaved. I found beauty in how I loved myself more as I progressed as a person rather than how my hair was styled. No one should rely on their hair to make them feel a certain way but if they do the magic of it comes from beneath the surface.

When that light shines from within you will never worry about your hair. Loving yourself completely takes time yes. Practicing to love yourself can start now. India Arie said it best

I am not my hair, I am not this skin
I am not your ex-pec-tations no no
I am not my hair, I am not this skin
I am the soul that lives within “
Be that soul. It’s the most beautiful part of you.

-India Arie
Saadiqa Vann

My name is Saadiqa Vann and I am 29 years old from Philadelphia Pa. I went to college at Pennsylvania State University and graduated with a B.A. in Communications, Art and Science. I started my own Organic and Vegan cosmetics company in 2019, called Queen Elite. I focus on what ingredients that are best for the skin and I make everything that I sell. As an artist, I love incorporating Art into my business where I also make vegan candles! I am also a published author, where you can find my novel, Nubia’s Adventures in the Fourth Dimension on Amazon!

Let’s Meditate!

Life is all about vibrating on different levels. Getting to each level depends on your mindset.

Meditation can help.

I used to think I could never meditate because from what the media portrays it looked boring.
How could someone sit there for so long and not want to get up and do other things? What was
stopping them from just giving up?

When you have control over your mind, your body will follow. That’s all meditation is. Starting out you don’t need anything but an open mind and a quiet space. I find it helpful to think about what you want to accomplish by meditating. I find it useful when I just want some clarity on a certain situation and some peace of mind.

Understanding that the first time you do it won’t be easy. It’s extremely hard to stop unnecessary
thoughts and to just listen to your inner self. It took me months for my mind to link up with my body on a healthy level. Everyone is different so this time duration varies.

Here are some easy tips to get you started.

  • I suggest to get some incense, candles, and a fairy light. These three things can instantly make your space feel magical and and sets the mood for you to meditate.
  • Some lavender essential oil is also great for rubbing on your hands and your temple.
  • Find some frequency music on YouTube or any music app. For example, on YouTube you can search things like “frequency for healing” or “frequency for meditation”. There will be a million options available.
  • Next sit down on the floor or in a chair. Whatever is best for you at that moment.
  • Close your eyes and focus on the music and try to clear your mind. As I said before, it’s hard the first couple times, but the more you do it the better you will become at it.

That’s it! You are meditating!

Mastering your mind is the first step. It helps you to conquer the beautiful things you are capable of. When you know you have full control over your mind, body, and soul, you begin to feel like you can do anything and your confidence goes up. Try to just go into this new journey of self-love with your heart on your sleeve and your mind vulnerable. Be honest with yourself. Love yourself and move to higher levels of vibration.

Saadiqa Vann

My name is Saadiqa Vann and I am 29 years old from Philadelphia Pa. I went to college at Pennsylvania State University and graduated with a B.A. in Communications, Art and Science. I started my own Organic and Vegan cosmetics company in 2019, called Queen Elite. I focus on what ingredients that are best for the skin and I make everything that I sell. As an artist, I love incorporating Art into my business where I also make vegan candles! I am also a published author, where you can find my novel, Nubia’s Adventures in the Fourth Dimension on Amazon!

Art? Yes I am.

I believe that The Human Body is Nature’s Art. 

Hear me out.

I love art, from Paintings to Poetry. I do not think that enough people consider the human body as a form of art, or even themselves as art. Do you? Try it!  

Thinking about yourself as art can tremendously spark your confidence. Just think about this: All art is one of a kind. Well, so is every body. All art comes in different shapes and sizes, and so is every body.

When you think about it, we are like nature’s art.

We are beautiful and breathtaking just like the oceans or trees.

Artwork by Saadiqa Vann

I am an artist. I love to represent bigger bodies in my artwork. The forgotten you might say. Plus size artwork is on the other side of the art spectrum. Being a plus size woman, I use my own body as a canvas and I try to put every imperfection on display. When I didn’t like how my arms looked I wore sleeveless shirts. When I didn’t like how my stomach looked I wore crop tops. I continuously put myself on display for the world so I can break out of my comfort zone so my confidence could break through.

Eventually it did and I shined from within.

I was the only one holding me back from creatively expressing myself and living the life I wanted to live.

This is why I am art. I’m not always the same. My weight might go up one month and down the next. That’s normal and it’s nothing to be ashamed about. We aren’t perfect and our bodies constantly let us know. 

If you are struggling with self-confidence and fear about how you look, make it a habit to look at yourself on the inside and pull your higher self to the surface.

When you look at a piece of art no matter what, you feel emotional. When you look at yourself, you feel emotional as well. Dress up or dress down, you are equivalent to art no matter what. You are art. One of the most beautiful forms of art there is. The universe created you for a reason. Why not embrace exactly who you are?

Saadiqa Vann

My name is Saadiqa Vann and I am 29 years old from Philadelphia Pa. I went to college at Pennsylvania State University and graduated with a B.A. in Communications, Art and Science. I started my own Organic and Vegan cosmetics company in 2019, called Queen Elite. I focus on what ingredients that are best for the skin and I make everything that I sell. As an artist, I love incorporating Art into my business where I also make vegan candles! I am also a published author, where you can find my novel, Nubia’s Adventures in the Fourth Dimension on Amazon!