Be Surrounded by Positive Energy

I wanted to write this post a few weeks ago, but then life got busy and next thing I know, it’s Memorial day weekend. I feel like I say this all the time, but how is time going by so fast! I seriously can’t keep up. I am so glad summer is here. I just want to wear dresses and not sweaters! Especially because I am getting bigger, so it’s just more comfortable anyway.

Last month, I went to Vegas for 3 days for Arbonne’s global training conference (GTC). I honestly look forward to this every single year. It’s funny, because when I first I tell people that I am going to Vegas, the reaction is usually something like, “How fun?! Do you gamble?” So, then I am like, “no, its for a conference” (I don’t actually like to gamble anyway..I like to see where my money goes..aka alcohol (normally) and food). And then they get bummed for me. Haha. I am sure under “normal” circumstances, a conference is super boring and one of those things you do for your work to either a. Get out of the office or b. Network. It’s never something anyone actually wants to do.

Actually, I really think Arbonne should change the name. Sure, I guess it’s technically a conference. But it’s basically just a huge event. Unless you are an Arbonne consultant, it’s hard to explain just how powerful and wonderful these 3 days are. First, you are in Vegas (which I love going, even being pregnant was totally fun) and second, it’s just a crazy fun and motivating experience. I learn a ton, every single year. And it’s never about products, fyi. It’s about me. Of course. during opening night new products are released which is always fun to watch. But the rest is personal development training and just being with other consultants.

Be healthy and “well”thy and wise! (This is when my belly was just starting, and I could still get on/off floor with ease).

Usually when I go, I give myself an extra day or two to have some Vegas fun. But this year, I basically planned it so I will only be there for those 3 days. I flew in the night before and flew out right as it was over. But it was still my best time there, yet. I stayed in the Signature Suites at MGM (highly recommend, super nice), with my up-line. These women are the most generous and fun people I have ever met. I just wanted to absorb all of their success and influence. I have yet to meet another consultant, who doesn’t put fun first. It really is what keeps me a part of this company (because I am a crappy salesman, haha). Everyone is always smiling and having so much fun.

When you are constantly surrounded by people who are legitimately happy all the time, it makes you want what they have. So for 3 days, you are with these people and you are just absorbing their energy. I love being around just positive energy. “Most” people (outside of Arbonne or anything related) spend their days, just bitching all the time. Does anyone else notice this? Most people seem to be not happy with work, not happy with their current situation or just miserable. And because misery loves company, they always try to suck you into this (whether on purpose or just unconsciously). I understand the need to vent frustrations from time to time, but when its constant negative energy, its very draining on you. It might not even be something that you realize is going on. (I also spent a good chunk of my career in corporate life, where life is basically sucked out of you on a daily). But I see it in other industries too and just talking to everyday people. People generally love to complain about life stuff. No one talks about their accomplishments or how they plan on actually changing their situation, so they can actually be happy <<THIS.

This year, I reconnected with a childhood friend, who I haven’t seen in like 20 years at the airport. This totally blew my mind. I met new friends, just by hanging by the pool and chatting with other consultants about our life goals and how grateful we are to be part of such a supportive community. I connected with a new friend (Hey Karen!) from my health coaching classes, who I have only have met virtually.  I met up with friends from the other side of the country, who I only see once a year. All this in just a span of only 3 days. I connected with so many lovely people who share the same goal: to be happy and successful and who sincerely want to help others. I just left Vegas, feeling very loved and grateful.

My beautiful friend, Karen. We have been video chatting for months and this is first time we met in person!

It wasn’t until I joined Arbonne, that I really put this into perspective. It wasn’t until I was with people, who actually enjoyed life and were happy, that I saw that there is this whole other world out there. People who choose what they do with their days, choose to live their lives how they want. People who actually choose happiness over everything else. I have had an Arbonne ID now for quite some time and I haven’t always been good about the selling and business part of it, but I have never ever thought of quitting. Why would I quit a culture that their sole mission is to want you to be happy.. with whatever that might entail? It like, I have this secret life outside of my day to day life. Which is silly, now that I think about it.

Having been a part of this community, has awakened something in me I didn’t know I had. It led me down the path I am in now. It led me to wanting to help people have this awakening too. I see the world differently now. I can see when people are just giving up on life and that makes me sad. I wish I could just shake them, and be like “there is more! Just need to get out of your comfort zone.” And that’s really what it is. Most people are afraid to try something new. Afraid to get out of their own way. Which, I totally get. I still force myself, every single day, to face my fears and go this unbeaten path of entrepreneurship. Its freaking scary and hard. But I know it’s ultimately worth it at the end. I need to do this for my family now. I have a son on the way. I want to be there for him, and watch him grow up. I want to actually be present in his life. I want him to watch his mommy succeed in forging her own path by helping others. I can’t spend my days, working long hours, and commuting 2 hours of my day. That, to me, is not being present for him. I know, that that life will make me miserable, which ultimately won’t make me a good mom. He deserves better than that. He deserves a mom, who is happy and creates a loving home, where there is an abundance of positive energy.

Success is not easy. For anyone. Read anyone’s success story. All they did was face their fears and kept plugging along with what felt right to them.

I am just glad that I figured this out, especially now that I am about to grow my family. I look forward to teaching my son (and future children) this lesson. Success is possible, but you have to actually work on it. But it will be worth it on the other end. Being able to truly live life, makes it worth it.

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