You don’t lack discipline, you just haven’t found your ideal diet….yet

Lack of discipline is NOT the reason you haven’t seen results, or why you can’t get past that plateau in your weight or health. You just haven’t discovered your ideal diet…yet. In this 3 part video series, I will teach you exactly HOW to find it, and how to KEEP it. Because when you discover … More You don’t lack discipline, you just haven’t found your ideal diet….yet

How Working on my Health and Mind led me to my Dream Job

Twelve years ago felt like a lifetime ago. My career was different, my thoughts were different. Where I thought my future was going, never happened. I was a pharmaceutical chemist working for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. I had what I like to call now a “good on paper,” job. One … More How Working on my Health and Mind led me to my Dream Job

Why I am doing a Two-Week “Keto Cleanse” Experiment

I am doing a two-week “keto cleanse.” I know that sounds weird coming from me. Especially because I am all about not overhauling your diet and not overhauling your life. So, then why am I doing this? (Note: You may agree/disagree with me, think I am crazy, or whatever.. but my journey is my journey … More Why I am doing a Two-Week “Keto Cleanse” Experiment