I tried four different Meditation Apps to find out which are worth paying for

I’ve learned I’m not the best at meditating in a quiet space and just focusing on my breath. Not only because I live with 5 other people (with one on the way btw), but because my mind at times can be on hyperdrive, and I need help focusing my attention. Guided meditations have become a … More I tried four different Meditation Apps to find out which are worth paying for

Inhale, Exhale, & Say “Namaste”: The Benefits of Yoga

                       I’ll admit that yoga wasn’t always my favorite workout. In fact, I never really even liked yoga all that much. I thought it was boring, it didn’t relax me, and some of it hurt. However, with the pandemic happening, I’ve had to switch to at-home workouts. And now that I’m out of school and … More Inhale, Exhale, & Say “Namaste”: The Benefits of Yoga

5 Self-care Activities to Help You Feel Balanced

Losing your equilibrium is bound to happen from time to time. There could be many reasons, which makes finding your footing that much harder. But, having something in your back pocket to help sway you into a more positive direction can make all the difference. Here are five self-care activities that help me feel balanced. … More 5 Self-care Activities to Help You Feel Balanced